
New updates and improvements to Forensic Email Intelligence

All Announcements


✔️Added a right-click context menu option to freeze columns in the Evidence Grid. This makes it possible to affix one or more columns to the left side of the grid while reviewing items.

✔️The Evidence Grid now retains the height of rows while scrolling horizontally.

✔️Added a new option under General Settings > UI to retain window positions. When activated, FEI will save the position and dimensions of the Evidence Grid and FEI Viewer windows and attempt to restore them between sessions.

✔️Moved the drop target in FEI Viewer from the toolbar to the center of the screen. This makes it possible to make the FEI Viewer window shorter to accommodate screens that provide limited vertical space (e.g., laptop screens).

✔️It is now possible to copy values from the MIME Structure View to the clipboard.

✔️Added definitions to key MIME types (e.g., multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative, etc.) in MIME Structure View.

✔️Reduced the threshold for red flags based on MIME boundary timestamp discrepancies.
