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🔥Internal Attachment Metadata — FEI's Attachments View now contains a menu item that displays the internal metadata of attachments. Internal attachment metadata is also factored into timelining, Insights, and scoring.

🔥PDF Deep Scan — FEI now supports extracting multiple XMP metadata streams from PDFs as well as numerous other timestamps such as embedded PDF attachment timestamps, annotation timestamps, etc.

🔥Image Deep Scan — FEI now supports extracting Exif, IPTC, and XMP metadata from images.

🔥Built-in Attachment Viewers — It is now possible to directly view popular attachment types (e.g., PDFs, Word and Excel documents, text files, etc.) directly within FEI without using an external viewer.

✔️Extended MAPI property definitions.

✔️Significant user interface performance improvements.

✔️Numerous other performance and user experience enhancements.


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