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🔥Added a new option to display extended participant information on rendered emails and printouts for "sent on behalf of" and "received representing" scenarios.

🔥Item flags are now displayed on the Evidence Grid and can be queried from there directly.

✔️Extended SuperCache definitions with new DKIM & ARC public keys.

✔️Added custom JumpLists to FEI taskbar icon.

✔️Improved resilience of the Render View when the active item is changed rapidly.

✔️Added Insights for read and delivery receipts.

✔️Added Insights for MAPI retention date and period.

✔️Improvements to displaying SMTP addresses of MAPI recipients when available.

✔️Improved detection of OST mail stores.

✔️Added /NewProject, /OpenProject, and /Viewer command line arguments.

✔️Numerous other user interface and performance improvements.


🌐Project Compatibility Level: